So you’ve spent $100’s of dollars on a bunch of Apple Home compatible devices. We’re guessing that the novelty of turning off a lamp with your iPhone has passed and now you’re looking for other ways to use your fancy smart home devices? Below is a list of ways to help you get the MOST out of your smart home!
At Smart Home Reviews Eh, we use all of our products before doing any sort of review or video. And we’re not strangers to reviews as we’ve taken what we’ve done at and applied it to smart plugs. If you’re trying to figure out what other smart home devices you should get for your Apple Home setup, check out our Intro to Apple Home!
Our list of Apple Home Tips & Tricks
We’ll be honest with you, smart home accessories are hard to figure out because we’re so use to doing everything the “dumb” way. When we first got our smart lights, we had to try hard to overcome what lights meant to us now. We’ve been using light in the same way for the last 100 years, what can these smart lights do differently?
One of the neat things that we’ve discovered with smart lighting is the effect coloured lighting has on us. With smart, coloured light bulbs such as the Phillip Hue, you have scenes like “concentrate” that emit a cooler light that improves mental focus. Or scenes like “relax” which, well, help you relax.
As we mentioned earlier, the greatest benefit for these smart home devices is the ability to automate parts of your home. You can make sure that everything is turned off when you leave your home. Or you can have specific appliances turn on when you leave and off when you come back. You can create an automation that starts your kettle the moment your hair appliance turns on in the bathroom.
Do you need help figuring out what Apple Home accessories to buy? Check out our “Best Apple Home Accessories” post! Do you have a tip or trick that you want to share? Let us know!